Friday, May 2, 2014

Model Painting Class

Painting Models in the April sun.
Students, canvas, paints, lunch.
Composition, color, line, form,
Layering the colors, painterly look.
Results, good paintings  from,
One class in a 4 painting hour day.
Positive model working her magic in her practical way.

On the outside,
Always on the out,
Looking in, through a small dark hole.
Alice through the looking glass only,
not seeing what is there. Always,
the outsider looking elsewhere.
Hard to be part of the group.
Left without word, clueless.
Not knowing what is going on.
On the outside separate and alone.
No one cares about that.....really.
Too many lawyers, not enough chiefs.
 Too many layers, not enough meat....artichoke.
Left out in the cold, without any news, without any word.