Friday, April 20, 2018

I sit and can not write on this sunny day,
The peckers are drumming on my wall.
It is loud and calling the troops to meet.
I hope they are hearing its call.
I sit and can not write this day,
My mind on other, mindless stuff,
I can't bring the words to mind this day,
It is turning to bits of fluff.
Birds flying around outside, doing their daily chores.
I stare from inside while doing mine,
Wanting nothing but to be outdoors.
Back to work as the coffee is down to the grinds.
But I long to be outdoors with the birds,
Nothing else seem to enter my spring set mind.
I will end now my silly words.

Monday, April 9, 2018


As I gaze out my view I see you fly,
Swaying gracefully in the still, blue, cloudy sky.
Above and through, dipping, gliding, swings.
As if you were a flying carpet made of wings.
You are joined by others flying high,
Each of you missing, as you own the sky,
An inconvenience you chortle and shout out loud,
"We own the sky, we own you, we own the cloud."
At last you land on one tall straight tree,
To survey the heavens and all that be.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Your words lift me up and take me along on a journey,
To a place I might not otherwise go....what a journey.
I say, Take me along, I shall be a companion in my mind when I can not be in my person.
I love to travel the wind and air,
Off somewhere with nary a care,
But the actual grounding of my thoughts.
For when I am grounded, I think not pleasant things.
But the reality of the harsh, cruel world we are becoming.
Instead of what nature has always tried to bring us, give us in its entirety.
Why can man not leave nature as it is?
Why can not woman speak out against his cruel treatment of nature.
And be heard. Some mighty men care lots. Let them be heard as well.
So you see where my thoughts lead and depressing as they are,
This is what I am thinking on a daily basis now.
Look sweetly to the good things happening, but they are far and few between.
I must look for them in the daily life of things.
I must look to the light and think positively on the people working towards that light.
I must think about what good things will happen to my friend in a hospital far away.
How her life will be yet another wonderful chapter in her creative endeavor.
I must think that there is a reason for everything,
I must become a believer in the positive posture of everything.