Saturday, February 19, 2011

Art Opening at The Art Spirit Gallery

I attended the Harold Balazs, Robert Grimes, Tim Ely opening at the Art Spirit Gallery in CDA last night. It was a wonderful show. There were many artists there as well as the gallery owner Steve. I have known Steve for many years as I used to be in the gallery. It was an amazing display. It will be up until April 2, 2011, I believe.
Visiting galleries or places where art is shown is important for any artist on many levels. One should get out and see what other artists are creating and how they put their artwork they present it to the public. That is an important element in presenting your own art. At the Art Spirit Gallery the work is always shown at its best. It is a beautiful gallery and each piece is hung to show it in the best possible light. It is amazing to me how Steve always has so much art hanging in such a way that it is visible from many different angles. The art pieces never seem to be lost because of another and they are grouped in pleasing ways.
On another note I have been working on a series of paintings I am calling up close and personal. They are of faces up very close and larger than life. I am painting them on the recycled wood from the local furniture making business. I am starting them in acrylic and will be finishing them with oil.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Last weekend of January 2011.

We had the 2nd Virginia Carter Clay Workshop at our community center and it was very successful and a lot of fun. There were 16 there, counting Virginia. We all worked very hard and hardly even broke to eat lunch. People did as many as 7 pieces each. All the pieces traveled by 2 vehicles to Virginia's house.
Today was a day for me full of joy and painting. My daughters spent the night and were here for the morning with us. They were both at the clay workshop yesterday.
I have finished all the nude paintings for Manic Moon Studios and have finished two mask paintings for the John Thamm Gallery. We will be having the Mardi Gras opening in February instead of March. I will be attending both openings over the weekend.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

I finished up my 'signature' paintings for the Manic Moon Studios today and got photos of them.
I also worked more on the 'Mardi Gras' paintings for the opening at the John Thamm Gallery in March.
I am working on several paintings at once which is the way I like to work usually. I am working on art most days and most nights. I am not binge painting but working steadily.
The nice thing about living with the paintings here in my home is that I can observe and observe and observe and then change the things that I feel need changing. It is good to reach that time in my painting career that I truly know that a painting is finished.
We have The Virginia Carter Clay Workshop at the Blanchard Community Center this Saturday, Jan 29, 2011 from 9 AM to 2 PM. We will be creating objects on which to paint. It will be a mass of creative energy that day.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011.

I am showing work at the John Thamm Gallery, 11 S. Washington Street, Spokane WA. The opening was Friday the 7th. Poets and Paintings and Painters all showed for the public. John Thamm and I painted to the wonderful voices of poets.
Our next opening will be First Friday in March when we will be honoring Mardi Gras. I will be showing new and larger paintings for this new opening. We will be featuring the poets once again. Come down and see us all.