Tuesday, November 8, 2016

To Blog or not to Blog.

To blog or not to blog.
When one likes to write creatively, it is sometimes like pulling teeth, painful,
Or, it flows down by way of gravity to a pool of words.
One can hope for all things wonderful coming out on paper or one can ramble and have nothing but a lot of words. Incoherent at times but then it depends on the reader and the time taken to try to understand.
One must be honest with oneself but not with the audience. Honesty might be from the subconscious and not from the immediate memory. So what is really the honest memory?
Another question. I am not answering that now, here.
For this entry is about to blog or not to blog.
I will settle this by blogging that I will write creatively or not when I feel like it....or when I can remember to do it. Ah, that fleeting memory which escapes me each day.
One might think that one hides the fact that memory is escaping with the busyness of each day. With all the activities one escapes to. But if the memory is escaping how can one get anything accomplished. Exactly, one can't get everything accomplished so one ponders that for endless amounts of time. Yikes. I must get back to work.

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